Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dark Writing

Dark Writing

must have a dream of itself

sliding slope the falling trails

feel yourself at home

a perpendicular pearl is plied

from the left to the right

from somewhere below the ink

as no ink

no ink

no ink

no ink

no ink

will seem itself unmade

the unmaking event efforts a forced reliance

ransom roles

three perjured blossoms we guilt or felt

kinetic care takers

crafted cores

frantic stones

they carry in stereo

sloppy ism trunks – slip and slide we WOOPS the line

liking to see redux pixel the possible

screen orgy oreo

I can feel the paper and the paper has a way of making me feel my pen is safe that in the dark I write that in the dark I’m writing and my writing has a core or a core of a written light or the corruption of my eyes that have parted with my ears that have left me smelling the state of something eaten once the skin has been peeled and pruned like hedges this writing is mute.

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