Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Russia - Weather as uncooperative

My kingdom for a shadow, or a shadow of kingdoms or even a feifdom, something, some kind of contrast, some morsel of dark and light in opposition. The last three days have been overcast with only occasional bursts of blue that are quickly swept aside by the armada of clouds coming down from the north. Its miserable. My camera has been sitting in my closet for days now. I've snapped a few indoor pics of our illustrious office staff and that's it.

I'm heading out on the crime and punishment walk in two hours to see the hosue of Roskalnikov and then head to where the murder happened. I think we may go the the Hay Market as well (now called Gostiny Dvor). I'm going to make this short as I want to take a walk down Nevsky to the open air art bazar. I might go and see Skidan after class and see if I can find that store that is run by a friend of his that has the clothing that poems are written and sowed onto. Avante garde poetic dress... how's that for fringe?

There's talk of a private outting tonight. I'm not on night watch, but I do have to open the office tomorrow. Its wednesday, right? I forget here. Time is imaginary. Time is a cruel joke that never makes up its mind between dusk and dawn, between the hours of gray clouds and blue skies, time exists as a reminder that it must exist somewhere, but not here.

Yeah... not much to report today, maybe more tomorrow. Oh, I went back to Kilikia last night taking a group with me and ordering for the lot of em. Several people tried the bliss that is Shashlik Kurduk. After Kilikia it was back to the brick I was going to say goodnight to some people but then you sit down and someone thumps their neck and says "nu shto? po pedesat?" and the night begins anew, or maybe it never ended as you down one shot of Ruskiy Standard Platinum after another, washing them down with half liters of Baltika and making faces as the waitresses who are watching us few speakers babble in a mixture of russian and english. (They understood everyting I think.)

The Peterhoff trip is coming up, I'm looking forward to that. I didn't get into the castle last year as we arrived alte. Foreigners get in up until noon and then the rest of the afternoon is reserved for Russian Federation Citizens. We're heading out early. Sasha and I sat down and I told her what we had to do and how, the line to get in is insane and we have to keep the people hearded together, if they seperate and we get in, they will miss out. Its a small castle/palace, time is short, lines long, and this time I hope I won't have to yell at anyone. The hermitage is calling as well. There are lectures all day tomorrow, I think I'm going to blow them off and head over... I need a trip to the hermitage... its necessary.

Right... I'm off... there's a bazar with my name on it and a murder to track...



Kristine said...


Moscow, near Gorky Park

Sometimes I like to think about Leonid Brezhnev
whose white marble torso stands here dreaming

in the Graveyard of Fallen Monuments. Leonid,
I say, it's Dick. Where are your goddamn legs?

Seems like yesterday you broke out the Stoli
at your dacha, and we laughed about détente.

Those were good times. The world on a razor
of our mutually assured destruction, and yet —

comrade! you remember — we felt strangely free.
Today not a single statue of Dick Nixon

stands astride an American city, but there are
National Guardsmen at the glittering bridges

and Citizen Corps tipsters behind each tree.
Leonid, they miss me. And the impoverished gray

pensioners in Gorky Park, endlessly pining
for "The Kuznetsk Metal Workers' Supper,"

they carry a wild red blowtorch for their Leonchik
too. So dosvidan'ya, you sweet old bastard —

I'm late to catch an Elks convention shambling
through my Library in Yorba Linda, California,

laden with cheap "Elvis Meets Nixon" keychains
and a queer uneasiness they cannot place.

by Rebecca Loden

Anonymous said...

Glad youre having fun :) Its been good reading your accounts of the trip so far. I hope youre taking pictures!