Tuesday, July 12, 2005

For sometime after

you spoon feed yourself fiction
the dream ended like day time TV
you've approved your promotion to farse
directorial debut now seen in perpetuating
dream into day time drama dreaming about
being asleep faking the dream so you shut your eyes

harder and longer and cling to the memory of doing nothing
sleep evading day evading dream evading all manner of doing
what's left to dream is to write and the pages that follow

supernatural premonitions the stuff of flimsy wire racks
like regional airports selling -- LATEST BOOK FROM _____
write the byline here where you think you might see yourself
ending in Xanadu or standing under that waterfall
superimposed from a neighbor's vacation

make Jung into Rove you are painter and prophet
hoping that breaking dawn and seeds and hay
you can fall back into the stuff of imortality
there's only one catch at night
turning down the sheets
gesso the brain.

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