Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Its pushing ten and I'm sitting here trying to keep my leg elevated as best I can. The orientation of my desk and subsequent furniture, computer, book cases etc. etc. doesn't allow for a very good or even possible angle to keep my foot up. Earlier today I was relieved of 1/3 of the nale on my left foot's big toe. I'm half tempted to take a picture of it and post it, like a scarecrow to ward off varmants in my pumpkin path. Then again, that would defeat the purpose of self expository writing online.

A word of advice kiddies, if you get a cut use some topical ointment. I was informed today by my doctor in training that there's a rather stubborn and antibiotic resistant strain of Staff Infection 'round these parts. I was on Septra but they switched me to Augmentin as the Septra had no effect on what they thought was a bacterial infection on my large (prior to toenail removal, or as Lisa said "trauma") Its not so bad, I have a large bottle of vicodin in case I get bored, popping advil as if it were candy and catching up on some movie watching.

At the moment I've traded in film for music and am listening to Sergei Bolotnikov & The Boloband. The CD was kindly provided to myself and Boobar by Katia, Sergei's daughter and one of our Russian liasons. Basically we bugged her enough till she coughed it up. Truth be known, we wanted to see this cover that she told us about that featured her in a mink coat in the middle of the arctic with penguins. So how can I describe this music? Maybe kind of like the Jimmy Buffett of Russia? Not sure... but there's some lovely flamenco like guitar work on the second track. According to Katia this was not her father's music, someone else wrote it and they just performed it.

Lets back up in time just a smidge and talk about Michael Moore. (oh wait, now it sounds like Sammy Hagar - interesting change of pace). Over the past two weeks I've managed to catch up with my Moore library of Fahrenheit 911 and Bowling for Columbine just a few minutes before I sat down to type. I know this is all old news but I think subconsciously I wanted to avoid Moore when he hit the big screen. Oh come on now people, don't flee, I'm not the conservative right, I just try and sit as close to middle as I can. My family would definately say that I'm left of middle which I agree with. Still, I'm not quite the liberal crusader that Moore makes himself out to be. The meeting with Heston at the end of Columbine was sad. It was contrived and that was the saddest thing about it. As if he could've expected a different answer. If his goal was to demonize Heston as a gun wielding "from my cold dead hands" madman he succeeded but I'm not sure that scene helped reinforce the tragedy of what happened to that little girl. I think the principle breaking down in tears was far more telling than an old misguided man unable or unwilling to answer a question that came far too quickly in an interview doomed before it began. I would rather he spar with him on some real philosophical points than cutting to the chase so quickly. Or better yet take a walk through the little girls home. She was as hollow in that discourse between him and heston as the photograph he left by the pillar of his Beverley Hills Home. It was all glammor with no substance. He didn't bring her back to life, he just showed his capacity to mythologize traumatic situations. Sorry Mike, you failed there. But this is my two cents and I would love to hear what other people think on this topic.

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