Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back in the 'viv

I came back to Tel Aviv this afternoon and set around to upload more pictures to Flickr. Jerusalem is a not to distant memory at the moment. I have to start this by saying a very big toda, spacebo, swadi kap, danke, mili grazi, mahalo, gracias and THANK YOU to Oren and Sharon for putting me up for the last three nights at their extraordinarily charming Nachlot loft. It was intimate and cozy, but it offered me a centrally located base camp from which to explore Jerusalem. I think though, yeah, I'm quite positive, that Jerusalem didn't want me there for some reason. Here are several examples of why I think this: the jerusalem mix restaurant, aunt died and they closed to go to greece for the funeral, National Museum of Israel was closed, just this morning, it rained for the first two days I was there, we tried to eat Kube soup yesterday, restaurant ran out as we arrived, we trid to get into Pacotek for NYE, we waited for a half hour and they stopped letting people in, when we finally made it to "rachmo" they ran out of the white kube soup, basically, the way I can express this is that it was a series of unfortunate events and near misses, but you know, all in all, it was still an amazing time. Saying that I scratched the surface of Jerusalem would be a lie, I think I would need a week in that city to do that, however, I do feel as though, from the standpoint of culinary ecstacy, I didn't do all that bad. I'll get to that a bit later. There are a number of stories that must be related, but I'm genuinely tired... actually a little exhausted. I plan to set aside time tomorrow morning to write at the cafe, and or from here before gong to breakfast. I'll spill some beans, some thoughts and those darling little observations that are still sticking in my brain, in the mean time you should go and see the photos from Netanya of my family, Haifa of erez's family and Caesarea, an ancient Roman port built during the time of Herod.

There'll be more pictures and posts come the morrow... leila tov.

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